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Welcome to my blog! In my school (and many other schools in Ireland), fourth year - the year after our Junior Cert - is optional. It's a non-exam-based year but there's still plenty to do like projects in various subjects, work experience, competitions and trying out loads of new things! This year, a new idea was brought into TY; for each student to write a blog on their year...so this is my blog about my experience of TY. I started writing it in Spetember/October and it'll go up to the end of May when we get our Summer holidays and TY is over... If you're thinking of doing TY or if you just want to know more make sure you send me questions and I'll try my best to answer! Enjoy reading it!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Work Experience Day 2

Day two in the courts was really cool and very interesting..I didn't get off to the best start this morning (it was just one of those days) because I neaarrly missed my bus and then I got off the bust two early and had to walk for aaaages (I'm not good with the whole bus thing..)! Finally I arrived in the office I'm working in though...with one minute to spare! Ann-Marie, my supervisor, told me I was going to the courts today to see some cases. I did some files and at half ten went down to court 3 to see the trials. The 10.30 ones all were very quick (about 2 minutes each!) and I didn't really understand much (they spoke very fast and used lots of big legal phrases) but the 12 o'clock ones were longer and I understood a lot more!
The court room was really cool...there was a big table at the top where the judge sits and under that there's a table for the registrar and someone else (I can't remember their job). Then there are two tables for solicitors and barristers. At the sides of the tables there are two stands for witnesses and the person being brought before the court sits either to the side of the tables (if they're in custody) or in front in the seats (if they're not in custody).
It was very busy in the court room...there were loads of Gardaí there and solicitors & barristers. It finished at one and I went back up to the office to get my stuff so I could go on lunch but I had forgotten my card thiong that opens the doors so I was locked out...I got help from a man who showed me to the information desk and the lady there called Ann-Marie to let me in! Oops! :/
After lunch I went back to my files....there was a LOT of work to do...one of the files for court on Wednesday was HUUUUUUGE and it took me aaaages to do!
I finished at four and got the bus home (I actually missed my bus 'cause I was in the toilet but I just got the next one a half hour later).
Tomorrow I'm goung on a tour with a school around the place and then I get a half day...I think I'm getting off at lunch time but I'm not entirely sure...
I had a really good day today...seeing what a court is like was pretty cool!
I'll right again about it tomorrow.. :)

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